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This site is a beta, which means it's a work in progress and we'll be adding more to it over the next few weeks. Your feedback helps us make things better, so please let us know what you think.
Q1. What is the population size served by your Police Force?
Q2. How many allegations of stalking were reported to the Police Force in 2023?
Q3. Does this Police Force have a stalking strategy, or similar?
Q3a. If so, has the strategy been influenced by any high-profile stalking cases?
Q4. How many Stalking Protection Order applications were made in 2023 by this Police Force?
Q5. Of the Stalking Protection Order applications during 2023, how many resulted in a Stalking Protection Order/ Interim Stalking Protection Order?
Q6. Does the Police Force have a ‘stalking coordinator’ or similar?
Q7. Does the Police Force have a ‘stalking clinic’ or similar, such as a multi-agency meeting where stalking cases are discussed?
Q8. If the force has a stalking clinic/similar, which other agencies are involved?
- NHS Trust/Health professionals – please specify
- Probation Services
- Local Authority/social services
- Victim liaison/victim aid
Q9. If the force has a stalking clinic/similar, how is it funded?
Q10. If there is a stalking clinic in place, are there any face-to-face assessments or treatments offered to defendants/perpetrators, through health professionals? If so, please specify
Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within North Yorkshire Police. I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by North Yorkshire Police.
I have today decided to disclose the located information to you.
Q1. No information held
Q2. 1081 Stalking crimes in the calendar year 2023
Q3. North Yorkshire Police have a Force VAWG strategy, which includes stalking as well as other offences that disproportionately affect women and girls. The strategy is driven via the Domestic Abuse and Stalking Tactical Delivery Plan, for which a force wide meeting is held monthly.
Q3a. North Yorkshire Police’s response to stalking is in compliance with the College of Policing’s Approved Professional Practice. We link in with key stalking charities/bodies such as the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, Paladin and the Alice Ruggles Trust, all of which were set up in response to high profile stalking cases. We have worked closely in the last few years with the Suzy Lamplugh Trust who conducted an independent review of our response to stalking, and made a number of recommendations which have helped drive improvements within North Yorkshire Police.
Q4. 0
Q5. N/A
Q6. NYP have a Stalking Support Team which consists of a Detective Sgt, PC and two Stalking Safeguarding Officers
Q7. Yes. The Stalking Team arrange a Stalking Intervention Meeting (SIM) if deemed necessary
Q8. Agencies are identified on a bespoke case by case basis but do include those listed in the request and others such as housing, GP, etc
Q9. The clinics are arranged and chaired by the NYP Stalking Support Team- funded by NYP
Q10. Not at this time unless it is agreed during a SIM that intervention is necessary.
Please note that systems used for recording information are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the data. It should be noted therefore that this force’s response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other responses you may receive.