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Q1) How many foreign nationals were arrested by this police force over the past 12 months?
Q2) What type of offences and how many were committed by foreign nationals over the past 12 months?
If the force cannot provide data for August 2024, could I request the information you do have for the last complete 12 months? i.e. August 2023 up to and including July 2024
Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within North Yorkshire Police. I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by North Yorkshire Police.
I have today decided to disclose the located information to you
Q1. There have been 1050 non UK nationals arrested between the period between 01 August 2023 to 31 July 2024.
Q2. Please see the table below showing the total number of offences committed by non UK nationals between 01 August 2023 to 31 July 2024. I am exempting low numbers pursuant to Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). Please see the exemption explanation below.
Row Labels |
Count |
Abscond from a designated immigration officer having been detained under section 2 - UK Borders Act 2007 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Abscond from detention under s.40(7)(c) - Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Abstract / use without authority electricity (recordable) |
< 5 |
Acquire / use / possess criminal property (recordable) |
37 |
Adult attempt to engage in sexual communication with a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Adult meet a girl under 16 years of age following grooming (recordable) |
< 5 |
Affray (recordable) |
28 |
Aggravated burglary - dwelling (recordable) |
6 |
Aggravated burglary - other than dwelling (recordable) |
< 5 |
Aggravated vehicle taking - ( initial taker ) and property damage £5000 or over (recordable) |
< 5 |
Arrange or facilitate travel of another person with a view to exploitation (recordable) |
< 5 |
Arrest by a constable as unlikely to surrender to custody - breach of bail conditions |
5 |
Arrest by a constable for breaking / likely to break bail conditions - duty to surrender into the custody of a court |
10 |
Assault / ill-treat / neglect / abandon a child / young person to cause unnecessary suffering / injury (recordable) |
9 |
Assault a constable in the execution of his / her duty (recordable) |
< 5 |
Assault a female 13 and over by penetration with part of body / a thing - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Assault a girl under 13 by touching - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
5 |
Assault a person thereby occasioning them actual bodily harm (recordable) |
53 |
Assault by beating (recordable) |
143 |
Assault by beating of an emergency worker (recordable) |
14 |
Assisting offender - either way offences only (recordable) |
14 |
Attempt murder - victim aged 1 year or over (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt robbery (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt theft from shop (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt theft from the person of another (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt theft of motor vehicle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt to arrange / facilitate commission of sexual activity with child / cause / incite child to engage - penetration (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt to fraudulently evade duty / prohibition / restriction / provision (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt to rape a woman 16 or over - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Attempt to Take a child so as to remove him / her from a person having lawful control (recordable) |
< 5 |
Begging in a public place - second or subsequent occasion (recordable) |
< 5 |
Bind over - commit breach of the peace |
< 5 |
Blackmail (recordable) |
< 5 |
Breach a Domestic Violence Protection Notice |
< 5 |
Breach a non-molestation order - Family Law Act 1996 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Breach bail condition while on immigration bail (recordable) |
< 5 |
Breach of a domestic violence protection order |
< 5 |
Breach of Pre-Charge Bail |
5 |
Burglary dwelling - with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm (recordable) |
< 5 |
Burglary dwelling - with intent to steal (recordable) |
27 |
Burglary dwelling and theft - no violence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Burglary other than dwelling with intent to steal (recordable) |
6 |
Cause / incite a female child under 13 to engage in sexual activity - offender 18 or over - penetration (recordable) |
< 5 |
Cause administer poison / noxious thing with intent to injure / aggrieve / annoy (recordable) |
< 5 |
Cause assault / ill treatment / neglect / abandonment of child / young person to cause unnecessary suffering / injury (recordable) |
9 |
Cause death by dangerous driving (recordable) |
< 5 |
Cause serious injury by dangerous driving (recordable) |
< 5 |
Choke / suffocate / strangle to render unconscious / incapable of resistance with intent to commit indictable offence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Commit an act / series of acts with intent to pervert the course of public justice (recordable) |
< 5 |
Commit offence of kidnapping or false imprisonment with intention of committing human trafficking offence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Commit offence other than kidnapping or false imprisonment with intent to commit human trafficking offence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Common assault (recordable) |
33 |
Common assault of an emergency worker (recordable) |
5 |
Conceal / disguise / convert / transfer / remove criminal property (recordable) |
< 5 |
Concerned in production of a class C drug - other (recordable) |
< 5 |
Concerned in production of a controlled drug of Class B - cannabis (recordable) |
7 |
Concerned in supply of cocaine (recordable) |
9 |
Concerned in the supply of a class A drug - other (recordable) |
12 |
Concerned in the supply of a controlled drug of Class B - cannabis (recordable) |
18 |
Concerned in the supply of class B drug - other (recordable) |
< 5 |
Conspire to acquire / use / possess criminal property (recordable) |
< 5 |
Conspire to commit a burglary dwelling with intent to steal (recordable) |
< 5 |
Conspire to commit burglary a dwelling with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm upon a person therein (recordable) |
< 5 |
Conspire to steal from a motor vehicle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Conspire to steal motor vehicle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Conspire to supply a controlled drug of Class B - cannabis resin (recordable) |
< 5 |
Control prostitution for gain - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Criminal damage to property - value over £5000 (recordable) |
5 |
Criminal damage to property valued under £5000 (recordable) |
53 |
Cultivate cannabis plant a class B controlled drug (recordable) |
13 |
Daytime trespass in pursuit of game - poaching (recordable) |
< 5 |
Disclose / threaten to disclose private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress (recordable) |
< 5 |
Distribute an indecent photograph / pseudo-photograph of a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Do an act to facilitate the commission of a breach of UK immigration law by a non UK national (recordable) |
< 5 |
Drive a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road / in a public place without due care and attention |
< 5 |
Drive a motor vehicle dangerously (recordable) |
8 |
Drive a motor vehicle otherwise than in accordance with a licence - endorsable offence |
27 |
Drive a motor vehicle otherwise than in accordance with a licence - non-endorsable offence |
< 5 |
Drive a vehicle whilst unfit through drugs (recordable) |
5 |
Drive motor vehicle when alcohol level above limit (recordable) |
75 |
Drive motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit (recordable) |
34 |
Drive on a road a motor vehicle whilst not wearing a seat belt |
< 5 |
Drive whilst disqualified (recordable) |
11 |
Drive whilst unfit through drink (recordable) |
10 |
Driver of a vehicle fail to stop after a road accident (recordable) |
< 5 |
Drunk and disorderly in a public place (recordable) |
17 |
Engage in controlling / coercive behaviour in an intimate / family relationship (recordable) |
26 |
Engage in sexual communication with a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Enter / remain in UK beyond leave time limit (recordable) |
< 5 |
Enter into / concerned in acquisition / retention / use or control criminal property (recordable) |
< 5 |
Enter United Kingdom without leave - immigration (recordable) |
13 |
Exposure - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Fail to co-operate with a preliminary test - motor vehicle offence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Fail to provide specimen - person in charge of vehicle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Fail to provide specimen for analysis - vehicle driver (recordable) |
7 |
Fail to stop a mechanically propelled vehicle when required by constable / traffic warden |
10 |
Fail to stop vehicle when directed by PC / traffic warden / traffic officer / CSO engaged in regulation of road traffic |
< 5 |
Fail to surrender to police / court bail at the appointed time (recordable) |
< 5 |
False imprisonment (recordable) |
< 5 |
Fraud by false representation - Fraud Act 2006 (recordable) |
21 |
Fraudulently allow the use of a vehicle trade plate / replacement trade plate (recordable) |
< 5 |
Fraudulently use a registration mark / registration document (recordable) |
< 5 |
Going equipped for theft - not motor vehicle (recordable) |
31 |
Going equipped for theft of a motor vehicle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Handle stolen goods (recordable) |
12 |
Harassment - breach of a restraining order on conviction (recordable) |
8 |
Harassment - put in fear of violence (recordable) |
7 |
Harassment without violence (recordable) |
11 |
Immigration - enter / remain in UK beyond time limit (recordable) |
34 |
In charge of a motor vehicle with proportion of specified controlled drug above specified limit (recordable) |
< 5 |
In charge of motor vehicle - alcohol level above limit (recordable) |
5 |
In charge of vehicle whilst unfit through drugs (recordable) |
< 5 |
Intentional strangulation (recordable) |
30 |
Intentionally / recklessly cause a public nuisance (recordable) |
5 |
Intimidate a witness / juror (recordable) |
< 5 |
Keep / manage a brothel used for prostitution (recordable) |
< 5 |
Knowingly enter the UK in breach of a deportation order (recordable) |
< 5 |
Knowingly enter the UK without leave (recordable) |
< 5 |
Lodge in Custody due to unable to return to prison |
24 |
Make indecent photograph / pseudo-photograph of a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Make off without making payment (recordable) |
19 |
Murder - victim one year of age or older (recordable) |
< 5 |
Obstruct / resist a constable in execution of duty (recordable) |
8 |
Offender 18 or over cause / incite a girl 13 to 15 to engage in sexual activity - no penetration - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Offender 18 or over engage in non penetrative sexual activity with girl under 13 - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Offender under 18 attempt to cause / incite a girl 13 to 15 to engage in sexual activity - no penetration (recordable) |
< 5 |
Paying for the sexual services of a girl aged 16 / 17 - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Permit taking of indecent photo / pseudo-photograph of a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Permit the use of premises for the supply / production of a drug subject of a temporary class drug order (recordable) |
< 5 |
Permit use of motor vehicle with no insurance |
< 5 |
Possess / control article for use in fraud - Fraud Act 2006 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess / control identity documents with intent (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a class C controlled drug (recordable) |
5 |
Possess a controlled drug of Class A - Cocaine (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a controlled drug of Class A - Crack Cocaine (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a controlled drug of Class A - Other (recordable) |
12 |
Possess a controlled drug of Class B - cannabis (recordable) |
25 |
Possess a controlled drug of Class B - Other (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a firearm of length less than 30cm / 60cm - prohibited weapon (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a firearm without a certificate (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a loaded / unloaded air weapon in a public place (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a paedophile manual (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess a prohibited image of a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess an imitation firearm in a public place - Firearms Act 1968 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess an offensive weapon in a public place (recordable) |
15 |
Possess an offensive weapon in private place (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess controlled drug with intent to supply of Class B - cannabis resin (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess extreme pornographic image / images portraying an act of intercourse / oral sex with a dead / alive animal (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess forged / counterfeit goods for export / import - evade prohibition / restriction / defraud His Majesty (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess indecent photograph / pseudo-photograph of a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess knife blade / sharp pointed article in a public place - Criminal Justice Act 1988 (recordable) |
12 |
Possess loaded / unloaded firearm and suitable ammunition in public place (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess nitrous oxide for wrongful inhalation - class C drug (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess prohibited weapon - self contained gas cartridge air weapon (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess to show / distribute - indecent photograph / pseudo-photograph of a child (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class A - Cocaine (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class A - Other (recordable) |
8 |
Possess with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class B - Cannabis (recordable) |
6 |
Possess with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class B - Cannabis Resin (recordable) |
< 5 |
Possess with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class B - Other (recordable) |
< 5 |
Proceeds of Crime - fail to disclose in regulated sector - money launder (recordable) |
< 5 |
Produce a controlled drug of Class B - cannabis (recordable) |
< 5 |
Produce a controlled drug of Class B - cannabis resin (recordable) |
< 5 |
Racially / religiously aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily harm (recordable) |
< 5 |
Racially / religiously aggravated common assault / beating (recordable) |
< 5 |
Racially / religiously aggravated fear / provocation of violence by words / writing (recordable) |
< 5 |
Racially / religiously aggravated intentional harassment / alarm / distress - words / writing (recordable) |
< 5 |
Racially / religiously aggravated wounding / grievous bodily harm (recordable) |
< 5 |
Rape a girl aged 13 / 14 / 15 - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
9 |
Rape a man 16 or over - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Rape a woman 16 years of age or over - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
20 |
Recall to prison after release on licence which is revoked |
< 5 |
Require person to perform forced or compulsory labour (recordable) |
< 5 |
Road accident - fail to report and produce insurance - mechanically propelled vehicle |
< 5 |
Robbery (recordable) |
9 |
Section 18 - attempt wounding with intent (recordable) |
< 5 |
Section 18 - grievous bodily harm with intent (recordable) |
6 |
Section 18 - wounding with intent (recordable) |
18 |
Seek / obtain leave to enter / remain / ETA in UK by deceptive means - immigration (recordable) |
< 5 |
Send by public communication network an offensive / indecent / obscene / menacing message / matter (recordable) |
5 |
Send communication / article of an indecent / offensive nature (recordable) |
< 5 |
Send letter / communication / article conveying a threatening message (recordable) |
< 5 |
Sexual activity with a female child family member under 13 - offender under 18 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Sexual assault on a female (recordable) |
26 |
Stalking involving fear of violence (recordable) |
11 |
Stalking involving serious alarm / distress (recordable) |
< 5 |
Stalking without fear / alarm / distress (recordable) |
9 |
Supply a controlled drug of Class A - Other (recordable) |
< 5 |
Take a child so as to keep him / her from a person having lawful control (recordable) |
< 5 |
Take a child so as to remove him / her from a person having lawful control (recordable) |
< 5 |
Take a motor vehicle without the owners consent (recordable) |
< 5 |
Taking a pedal cycle without consent (recordable) |
< 5 |
Theft - other - including theft by finding (recordable) |
35 |
Theft by employee (recordable) |
< 5 |
Theft from a motor vehicle (recordable) |
5 |
Theft from a shop (recordable) |
175 |
Theft from the person of another (recordable) |
17 |
Theft of conveyance other than motor vehicle or pedal cycle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Theft of motor vehicle (recordable) |
35 |
Theft of pedal cycle (recordable) |
< 5 |
Threat to damage / destroy property (recordable) |
< 5 |
Threaten a person with an offensive weapon / bladed article / corrosive substance in a private place (recordable) |
< 5 |
Threaten to destroy / damage own property - endanger life (recordable) |
< 5 |
Threats to kill (recordable) |
28 |
Use a handheld mobile phone / device while driving a motor vehicle on a road - endorsable offence |
< 5 |
Use a motor vehicle / trailer in a condition likely to cause danger of injury |
< 5 |
Use a motor vehicle on a road / public place without third party insurance |
46 |
Use a motor vehicle on a road without a valid test certificate |
< 5 |
Use a passenger vehicle with tyres with insufficient tread - less than 1.6mm |
< 5 |
Use threatening / abusive / insulting words / behaviour to cause harassment / alarm / distress (recordable) |
< 5 |
Use threatening / abusive / insulting words / behaviour with intent to cause fear of / provoke unlawful violence (recordable) |
< 5 |
Use threatening / abusive words / behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress (recordable) |
7 |
Vehicle interference - motor vehicle (recordable) |
15 |
Violent disorder (recordable) |
6 |
Voyeurism - recording a private act - SOA 2003 (recordable) |
< 5 |
Warrant |
38 |
Warrant - European Arrest Warrant |
< 5 |
Work when disqualified by reason of immigration status (recordable) |
< 5 |
Total |
1832 |
*Please note a person can be arrested for more than one offence.
Exemption Explanation
Section 40 – Personal Information
Where an individual can be identified by such data, releasing it would clearly breach the first data protection principle of being ‘fair’ to the data subject.
Section 17 of the Act requires North Yorkshire Police, when refusing to provide such information (because the information is exempt) to provide you the applicant with a notice which: (a) states that fact, (b) specifies the exemption in question and (c) states (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption applies.
Section 40(2) is an absolute class based exemption, which does not require a public interest test, but requires the balancing of the legitimate interests of the public against the interests of the individual under the first Data Protection Principle; in that processing of personal data must be lawful and fair (DPA 2018 35(1), EUGDPR Article 5(1)).
This exemption applies because the right given under the FOI Act to request official information held by public authorities does not apply to the personal data of third parties where disclosure of that information would not be fair to the individual, and where there is no legitimate public interest in disclosure.
In all the circumstances of the case it has been determined that the duty to the individual under the Data Protection Act 2018 & EU General Data Protection Regulations, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure of personal information held by the force in such instances, outweighs the public interest in disclosure. In this instance, personal information can only be disclosed to the individual concerned.
Releasing personal details to a person other than the data subject would not only breach the data subject’s Data Protection rights it may also breach the obligations placed on an authority under the European Convention on Human Rights
Pursuant to Section 17(1) of the Act this letter acts as a refusal notice under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in relation to your request.
Please note that systems used for recording information are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the data. It should be noted therefore that this force’s response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other responses you may receive.